Get all the VMworld 2016 Sessions
Updated: The Sessions US are no more available on this way, but the EU 😉
You want all the Sessions from VMworld 2016?
First, you have to download this raw_download_urls File. In this file the URL’s are listed.
Now, download the MP4-Files in PowerShell 😉
$Filelocation = "c:\myFolder\raw_download_urls.txt" #Change the Location to your Path $SaveLocation = "c:\myFolder\" #Change the Location to your Path $List = Import-CSV $Filelocation -Header "ID", "Link" -Delimiter "#" If (Get-Module BitsTransfer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $Bits=$true Write-Host "Using BITS transfer for faster more reliable downloads" } Foreach ($Session in $List) { if (Test-Path "$($Savelocation)$($Session.ID).mp4") { Write-Host "$($Session.ID) already downloaded... Skipping" } Else { Write-Host "Downloading Session $($Session.ID)" If ($Bits) { Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Session.Link -Destination "$($Savelocation)$($Session.ID).mp4" } Else { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Session.Link -OutFile "$($Savelocation)$($Session.ID).mp4" } } }
Enjoy !