Add VLAN in UCS with PowerShell

Add VLAN in UCS with PowerShell

Mostly I created VLANs in UCS with the GUI, but how do we do this in PowerShell?

When I have to create a lot of new VLANs, I want to do this in CLI 😎

The weird thing when starting with Cisco PowerShell Module is that you have to insert your credentials on nearly every command.


#Load Cisco UCS PS Module
Import-Module CiscoUcsPS

$ucsUserName = "myuser"
$ucsPassword = "myp@ssword"
$ucsSysName1 = "my-ucs-manager"

# The UCSM connection requires a PSCredential to login, so we must convert our plain text password to make an object
$ucsPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $ucsPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $ucsUserName, $ucsPassword

# Authenticate to UCSM #
$handle1 = Connect-Ucs $ucsSysName1 -NotDefault -Credential $cred

#Define Variables
$vlanid = 229
$vlname = "229-MyNewVlan"
$vlangroup = "ESX-DMZ"
$macpool = "My-MAC-Pool"
$qpol = "ESX-Gold"
$vnictmpdmzA = "DMZ-Data-FabA"
$vnictmpdmzB = "DMZ-Data-FabB"

#Create VLAN Global
$handle1 = Connect-Ucs $ucsSysName1 -NotDefault -Credential $cred
Get-UcsLanCloud | Add-UcsVlan -CompressionType "included" -DefaultNet "no" -Id $vlanid -McastPolicyName "" -Name $vlname -PolicyOwner "local" -PubNwName "" -Sharing "none"

#Add VLAN to Group
Start-UcsTransaction  -Ucs $handle1
$mo = Get-UcsLanCloud -Ucs $handle1 | Add-UcsFabricNetGroup -ModifyPresent  -Descr "" -NativeNet "" -PolicyOwner "local" -Type "mgmt" -Name $vlangroup
$mo_1 = $mo | Add-UcsFabricPooledVlan -ModifyPresent -Name $vlname
Complete-UcsTransaction -Ucs $handle1

#Add to Template FAB A
Start-UcsTransaction -Ucs $handle1
$mo = Get-UcsOrg -Ucs $handle1 -Level root  | Add-UcsVnicTemplate -ModifyPresent  -Descr "" -IdentPoolName $macpool -Mtu 1500 -NwCtrlPolicyName "Enable-CDP" -PinToGroupName "" -PolicyOwner "local" -QosPolicyName $qpol -StatsPolicyName "default" -SwitchId "A" -TemplType "updating-template" -Name $vnictmpdmzA -XtraProperty @{CdnSource="vnic-name"; RedundancyPairType="none"; PeerRedundancyTemplName=""; AdminCdnName=""; }
$mo_1 = $mo | Add-UcsVnicInterface -ModifyPresent -DefaultNet "no" -Name $vlname

#Add to Template FAB B
Start-UcsTransaction -Ucs $handle1
$mo = Get-UcsOrg -Ucs $handle1 -Level root  | Add-UcsVnicTemplate -ModifyPresent  -Descr "" -IdentPoolName $macpool -Mtu 1500 -NwCtrlPolicyName "Enable-CDP" -PinToGroupName "" -PolicyOwner "local" -QosPolicyName $qpol -StatsPolicyName "default" -SwitchId "B" -TemplType "updating-template" -Name $vnictmpdmzB -XtraProperty @{CdnSource="vnic-name"; RedundancyPairType="none"; PeerRedundancyTemplName=""; AdminCdnName=""; }
$mo_1 = $mo | Add-UcsVnicInterface -ModifyPresent -DefaultNet "no" -Name $vlname
Complete-UcsTransaction -Ucs $handle1

Please, check out and write a comment!

Scared? Try first in a emulator to feel more confident.

Link: Cisco UCS Platform Emulator

4 thoughts on “Add VLAN in UCS with PowerShell

      1. Am I missing it? that looks like adding a VLAN to a vnic template, but I want to add a vlan GROUP to a vnic template. Thanks!

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